Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Intro to Blogging

Welcome to your class Blog!

We will be using our blog for teacher-to-student communication as well as student-to-student communication. Our main purpose will be for you to learn about blogs and what they are used for. We will also use them to post assignments, do journal entries or simply have class discussions.  The nice thing about blogging - like so many other Web tools - is that you may respond to the blog from class, home, the library or any other place that you might have access to the Internet.

Before we begin, there are ground rules that must be set and followed. Note that if these ground rules are not followed you may receive a zero on the assignment(s). Please follow the rules!

All posts must use school appropriate language. When you post, you must write in complete sentences using proper grammar and spelling. Do not use: u, r, ur, b4, cuz, etc.

When commenting on another student’s post, keep your comments non-personal. You can agree or disagree with a comment but refrain from sarcasm, judgment, and/or put-downs. You must state how you feel and why. You must comment on every article, topic, or question from me - it is an assignment - and your response should thoughtfully address each topic and question posted on the blog. You cannot simply write “I agree.”

Your first assignment will be to comment on the class blog by responding to the following questions:

1. How much do you know about blogging?
2. Have you ever used or hosted a blog?
3. What might you use a blog for personally?


  1. First of all, I am going to say that I do not know a whole lot about blogs at all. Also, I will say that I have never used or hosted a blog as long as I have been on this planet. Personally, I might use a blog to read about my interests.

  2. i honestly dont know much about blogging. i do know a couple people that do have blogs and they said that it helps them sell their products more. i do know that they are very good to learn/read about information. i have never used a blog before. i am new to this. personally i would probaly use a blog to write things because i love to write, and make up things.

  3. I know a lot about blogging. I have used a blog. I used a blog over the summer for Honors English. I had to post comments and I had to respond to questions on the blog about the book I was reading. I personally might use a blog for fantasy football or for other sporting events.

  4. It's short for web log. It's pretty much an internet journal and people can read it and comment it. The only time I ever used a blog was when my 5th grade teacher had one for our class. Other than that, I have never even thought about using a blog. If I used a blog personally, it would probably be about different music topics.

  5. I know that when it comes to blogging it's basically a way to communicate with a big group of people. Everyone can see your post and you can see all of theirs. I have never hosted a blog however, I have used a blog; last year Mrs. Pilewski hosted a class blog called, Wild About English. Some ways you might use a blog for person things is to check up and see if you had any homework, find out what’s going on in class, or even just find out what the kids in your class are doing.

  6. Some things i know about blogging are it’s a way to share and comment on information, and for a group of people to communicate in an online setting. I have only experienced a picture blog called tumblr but not really a writing blog before. You could use a blog to talk to people and compare each other’s ideas.

  7. I do not know much about blogging. I do know people use it to communicate with others. I have never used or hosted a blog before. I might personally use a blog to read about things I’m interested in, or to share stories.

  8. I don’t know very much about a blog. I’m sure I know the basics. But I don’t a lot.
    In 8th grade, Mr. Masters English class used a blog for the book “The Hobbit”, and that was the only time I had ever used a blog or anything like it before. I definitely have never hosted one.
    Personally, I may use a blog for important and useful information, things to help me out.

  9. Hello everyone! I do not know much about blogging. I hope to learn some new things while blogging. I have never used a blog or hosted a blog. I do not even know how to set up a blog. I do not know what I would use a blog for because I have never found them interesting. So therefore I have never used them.

  10. I know that blogging is somtimes contributed to by many people and is ran by a single person.
    I also know that blogging is useful for a small community to share ideas to many people quickly and for the most part efficiently.

    I haven’t ever used or hosted a blog with the exception of the online testout over the summer.

    I wouldn’t use a blog personally because I have no use for one, I can just go to google+ and create a chatroom and anyone in my contact list for gmail will be able to join me.

  11. I do not know very much about blogging but I have used a blog last year in English class. You might use a blog for school and activities you are in.

  12. I do not know how to use a blog because I have never used a blog or hosted a blog before. I think you could use a blog to talk to your teachers and you could talk friends about homework and other things.

  13. I know a lot about blogging from facebook,myspace,twitter and tumblr. I am hosting a blog right now on tumblr. You might use a blog for classroom purposes or to communicate with family and friends.

  14. I know almost nothing about blogging, I have a tumblr and its blogging pictures but that’s all I know, I only repost other peoples blogs. I have used a blog, tumblr it’s a picture blog you just repost/post cool pictures and other people re-blog them. I might use a blog, to contact my friends, family, teachers. I also use it to share pictures.

  15. I don’t know much about blogging. I have not ever used or hosted a blog. I might use a blog for school or just a regular blog.

  16. I do not know much about blogging. I have never really blogged before or have I really ever read anyone else’s blog. I have not hosted a blog before. Using a blog I might try to look up daily assignments or homework help from teachers and other students along with many other types of information like a club or after school activity.

  17. To be honest I know very little about blogging other than it’s a way to share ideas on the social network. I personally have never used a blog or hosted a blog. I think I might use a blog personally for school and to talk and share ideas or information on the internet.

  18. I don't know much about blogging, except its a good way to communicate with other people... And I've never made a blog... And I would probably use blogs to communicate with other people, I guess...

  19. I don’t know a lot about blogging and I have only used a class blog before in seventh grade, and I think you could use a blog for informing about homework, directions, etc.

  20. I dont know really anything about blogging. I have never made my own blog before. Personally I might create a blog to write all my thoughts.

  21. I know that blogging is posting opinions on a blog. Blogs can be used by teachers, students, people who have jobs, etc. I used a blog last year for my English class to post opinions on questions. I might use a blog personally for school related stuff or sport related stuff.

  22. I have never used or hosted a blog before, so I don’t know a lot about them. I know that for a class blog you can communicate with your teachers and other students. Personally you could use it with your friends, or you make a private blog.

  23. I don’t know much about blogger I just know of it. I’m might have used it in the past but not recently. I have never hosted a blog, but I might have used it in the past but not recently. I would you use a blog for power, or to interact with people.

  24. I don’t know much about blogging. I used a blog once. It was last year in Mrs.Pileswki’s 8th grade English class. I might use a personal blog to interact with people, or to just experiment with it.

  25. I know kind of a lot about blogging from Facebook, twitter, and tumblr. Blogging is a way to post and share things about you and what you’re doing to a website that others can see. Yes, I have used and hosted a blog before. You can use it for a lot of things, like hosting an event to just talking to others.

  26. The site that I prefer more is the Face Your Manga site for a couple reasons; one, because it makes you look more like yourself. Two, there are more options to pick from. Three, it has more details you can add to your avatar, and finally, because you can make your avatar holding something like a volleyball or guitar. However with the site Voki I like how you can add a voice to your avatar, but all in all they were both fun sites.

  27. I know some things about blogging. I know you haft to be considerate about others. I have used a blog before but I haven’t been on one for a very long time. You might use a blogging system for talking to family, friends and relatives. That is what I know about blogging.

  28. I liked the website face your manga because you could make yourself and you could get in to more detail with your avatar.

  29. I know some stuff about blogging but not a lot of stuff still need to learn more about it. I’m might have used it in the past but not recently. I have never hosted a blog in my life. I would use a blog for power or to talk to people or you can chat with people in school why you’re working on it that what it is for.

  30. I personally know quite a bit about blogging because we had to do a ton of it over the summer for honors English. I have used a blog over the summer for honors English and have posted a blog for it also. I might use a blog to help me study or to communicate with other teachers and classmates.

  31. I don't know how to do much on blogs but I do know how to comment on a blog. I have used a blog over the summer with Ms. Dub and in 8th grade with Mrs. Pilewski. Though, I have never hosted a blog of my own. Some people may use a blog for work, to keep others updated, or as a daily journal.

  32. I don't know much about blogging or using blogs. I have used blogs twice for commenting for a class but other than that I have not used it a lot. People use blogs to post ideas talk about different subjects or just to have an online diary

  33. i dont know very much about blogging except that it can be used to share thoughts. i have never used or hosted a blog before. i could use a blog to share thoughts and discuss different topics

  34. I really don’t know much about blogging, I really never thought I would be a big blogger. I have used one before but I never hosted a blog on my own. I might use a blog personally to say what I am up to or what going on.

  35. I personally don't know much about blogging, at all. The only thing I'v gotten into close to a blog is Facebook and Twitter, so no, I'v never hosted a blog. Last year one of my tracher's had a blog to keep the class in line and to stay organized with all of the assignments, i'm sure i'd do much of the same.

  36. I know alot about blogging to know what is right and what is wrong. I used blogs ever since I was in the 4th grade, and my friend Jynxx makes them too, she showed me how to make them and they are quite easy to make. I usually use blogs for my personal interests such as photography or other things. Or I just use them to keep in touch with friends and family that are a long ways away from me.

  37. Blogging is when the host posts something and any member of that blog can comment on it. I have used a blog last year in Americas Cultures English. We used it to talk about stories that we read in and out of class and the holocaust. I would use a blog to talk about any specific topic.

  38. I have used a blog a little bit in Mrs. Pilewski’s English class last year and also over the summer for honors English blog posts. The only thing I really know about blogs is that it’s available to almost anybody and you can just comment your opinions on certain topics. I have never hosted my own blog; I have only used other peoples’ blogs. I would only use a blog for my personal use to find out about more topics or help other people out.

  39. I honestly know almost nothing about blogging. I have used one before; I had one for Mrs. Pilewski’s class, a reading website, and now online experience. I personally use a blog to communicate with others, to get needed information, and to express my opinions on certain topics.

  40. I know little to nothing about blogging. I did use blogs over the summer for Honors English 9 and I used a blog for when I attempted to test out of Online Experience. I personally I am not sure what I would blog about, maybe updates about my family here so my family in Hawaii, New Mexico, Georgia, and Louisiana know what is happening in Michigan. Another thought, maybe I could blog with my friends from Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio that I met at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp.

  41. I don’t know that much about blogging. All I know is that it is where you can comment on information. I used a blog last year for my English class. I might use a blog personally for homework from teachers and communication on subjects with other students.

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  42. I know a blog is where friends can talk online with each other. I’ve never hosted a blog and i've never been on one either. People might use a blog to use for school or for business conversations.

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  44. I do not know much about blogging, although I have used a blog in Mrs. Taylors class for assignments. If I had a blog I might use it to share information, opinions, or advise about my interests. (Mostly sports)

  45. A blog is like an online journal that you can share with people. The only time I've used a blog was in 8th grade for English class and I thought it was pretty cool. I would use a blog to read about things I'm interested in.

  46. I know a decent amount about blogging, having used it over the summer for Honours English. Of course, I’ve also actually ran my own blog twice before (one for film and book reviews, while the other was a week-by-week summary of my life). Because my father is a computer programmer and tech savvy enough as it is, I’ve done much with many corners of the web. Personally, one may use a blog for a copious amount of topics – sharing bits of their life, interests, reviews, overviews, tips, ideas, school related means, etcetera.

  47. Blogging can be used for any use. To hurt people, or to let others know what you’re feeling. You could do a daily blog, and tell your life story. I don’t know it’s used in many different ways negative, or positive. Do I have a Facebook? Yes, and I would consider that a blog. Other examples of a blog would be tumblr, twitter, and MySpace. Personally, if I used a blog in a meaningful way I would have to be a person who likes to write. I think I’ll just stick with non-meaningful statuses on Facebook.

  48. I know a little bit about blogging. I know it’s when you can reblog pictures, or you have a word blog. Where it’s like your own notebook. I am currently hosting a blog on Tumblr, so yes I am also using a blog. You could use a blog personally for keeping in touch with family and friends.

  49. I know general things about blogging, but not details or how to set them up. I know blogging is an internet journal of sorts and that many people supporting a cause or person have them. I, however, have not hosted a real blog. I think that I could possibly use a blog to talk about my life or use it as a way to find people who support the same issues as me.

  50. I'm not a 100% sure that i know exactly what i'm doing on or with a blog but i may be wrong but once i get the hang of it completely then i'm probably going to post about things in class and sports.

  51. I can completely admit that i have no knowledge on how to make or operate a blog. I have had some blogging experiance before from Mr. Masters english class for things such as book projects. One reason i might use a blog is to express and communicate about my opinions with others.

  52. I don’t know how to post a blog, but I think I have a pretty good idea how…and no I have never hosted a blog before,at all...I guess I would use it to talk to other people...

  53. I know a lot about blogs because we used them throughout the summer for Honors English class. I have never hosted a blog but I have used them for educational purposes in the past few years. Personally, I might be interested in using them for expanding my knowledge of the world.

  54. I know a little bit about blogging, and I know how to “use” it. I used a blog this summer for honors English. We commented and posted on different posts from the teacher about the summer reading book. You could use a personal family blog for your extended family to keep in touch and for the whole family to know “What’s new” with you.

  55. I really don’t know much about blogging but I hope to learn more. I have used a blog last year for Mrs. Pilewski’s class. I might use a blog for a group of friends to talk.

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  57. I think I have little to no experience with blogging. The only time I used a blog was for computers last year and for English class. Personally I would use blogs to chat with friends and share my opinions about specific issues across the web.

  58. I honestly know little about blogging. I used one for school last year but that was it. And you can personally use a blog to communicate with your friends and family.

  59. I know only a little bit about blogging. My 8th grade engilsh teacher had a class blog but we rarely used it. I would use a blog to share news with my friends.

  60. I know some stuff about blogging but not a lot of stuff still need to learn more about it. I’m might have used it in the past but not recently. I have never hosted a blog in my life. I would use a blog for power or to talk to people or you can chat with people in school why you’re working on it that what it is for.

  61. I know some stuff about blogging but not a lot of stuff still need to learn more about it. I’m might have used it in the past but not recently. I have never hosted a blog in my life. I would use a blog for power or to talk to people or you can chat with people in school why you’re working on it that what it is for.
