Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Yesterday, you created an avatar using My Voki.  Today, you created another avatar using Face Your Manga.  Please comment on this post and respond to the following questions:

  • Which site did you prefer? 
  • Why did you prefer this site over the other?  Please give at least three examples that support your preference.


  1. In my opinion i perfer Face Your Manga, because this site had more options/features for my avatar. Also this site had more realistic avatars. Lastly this site had more descriptive items for my avatar.

  2. The site i perfer more, in my opinion, woud be "face your manga", beacause theres more to it and you can edit yourself better. this avatar looked more like me than my voki. i personally like face your manga better, its more detailed and things like that.

  3. Personally, I prefer Face Your Manga over Voki. I think this because there more features on Face Your Manga in comparison to that of Voki. Also, I think Face your Manga is more realistic. Finally, Face Your Manga was just simpler to use over all.

  4. The site I personally prefer more is "Face Your Manga", because you can do a lot more with your avatar, from the shape of your face, to the color of everything, to your hand signals, your hair, eyes, and even ears.

  5. Out of the two sites, Face Your Manga and Voki, I preferred using face your manga. I like Face Your Manga better because it gave more features. It also was easier to use than Voki was. It was also more realistic than Voki because of all the options/features.

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  7. I liked "Voki" better because you could make it talk, which you couldn't do with "face your manga". I also thought everything looked better on "Voki". "Voki" also had very realistic looking characters, while "face your manga" did not.

  8. The site that I prefer most would be the face your Manga over Voki because it had more options to choice from. Also it gives you better ways to make it look like yourself. Lastly it was more realistic then the Voki avatar.

  9. I preferred the Face Your Manga site. I supported this site because it was easy to use, you could select more templates without having to sign up for a special membership, and you could create your own logos and titles.

  10. the site i like the best is face your manga because you can do a lot more with your avater and on voki u couldnt do lot of stuff.

  11. I prefer face your manga over my voki because there was more options for design, it was less confusing, and you can add items like hats and stuff.

  12. I Prefer over because I think that Face Your Manga is easier to use and it had more options on what you can make your avatar look like. Voki confused me when I was trying to put in the voice and it would never work right.

  13. I prefer Face Your Manga. I preferred this site over Voki because this site gave you a lot more choices to choose for your Avatar, it also let you start from the very beginning and design the Avatar to look like you more, lately it was more realistic than Voki was.

  14. I prefer the Face your Manga site because you can add more details and there’s more to choose from then the Voki site and on the Face your Manga you can make it look more like you.

  15. I prefer Voki because it gives you more options for your avatar. Also, you could be a monster, or a dog, or even a shark from jaws. Finally, your avatar can be given a voice.

  16. I prefer the “Face your Manga” site. This site is more detailed when it comes to customizing your avatar. The site is more realistic and the avatar looks more like you. Finally, the site is more complex and simpler to use.

  17. I like the Face Your Manga site better than the Voke one. The Manga website had more options than the Voke did. The Manga website allowed you to write your own logos on your avatars outfits. The Manga website is also more detailed to creating your avatar.

  18. I prefer Face Your Manga than My Voki. I just think it’s easier to use, more fun to play around with, and that you have more choices.

  19. I personally prefer Face your Manga over Voki. Face your Manga has many more options you can use to create your avatar where on Voki you aren’t given as many options. Secondly I like Face your Manga because it is over all a lot simpler to use. Lastly Face your Manga had many thing you can do to give you character its own kid of personality with all of the options.

  20. The site I perferred was Face Your Manga. It was easier to create an avatar than on Voki and there were tons of choices to choose from to make the avatar look more like you.

  21. The site that I prefer the most for my avatar is facing your manga. I prefer this website because it has better graphics. Another reason that I prefer face your manga is because your avatar can show signs of feelings unlike the other avatar website. Last reasoning why I like face your manga is because you have more options with your avatar, such has tattoos, piercings and better hair options.

  22. I preferred the Face Your Manga program. I liked this one better because it was less of a hassle. With the My Voki I was so frustrated since I had trouble with recording my voice; also, Face Your Manga was so much easier to set up. Lastly, with Face Your Manga you had many more options that were free.

  23. I preferred the second cite because there was more variety of things to choose from and you could change more. The second thing I like about this website is you got to choose between more eye types and stuff. And the third and final thing I like about it is you don’t have to add a voice to this website.

  24. I prefered Face Your Manga because, I felt like it was less complicated more realistic and I got to have more options to create my avatar with.

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  26. I enjoyed faceyourmanga because it brought more detail to your avatar in my opinion

  27. i prefered face your manga because, it had more options and got more detailed with creating the avatar. also i think it was easier to use

  28. I prefer voki more than face your manga because it allows you to use your avatar to speak and has features that look like manga or like a real person, even animals. With face your manga, you cannot talk with your avatar and it doesn’t have that much of a variety to choose from for creating a virtual person that you want to look more or less like you.

  29. I preferred Face Your Manga because you don't have to pay for things and you have more items to choose from. I also like Manga compared to Voki because the voice acting was very creepy and I’m not sure that I liked that from Voki. Last I thought that you could make yourself look a lot more like you in Manga than in Voki.

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  31. I prefered Face Your Manga over the first site, I liked this site more than the first site because you could do more thing's to your avatar and it was more realistic. Also it didn't cost money either.

  32. I preferred "face your managa" because, there were more options making it less limited. Also it's free and you don't have to pay for anything. The final thing to why I perfer "face your managa" is because it's more interesting. Like you can change the shape of your face and hair and all of that.

  33. I preferred Face Your Manga, and rate it over Voki because there were so many more options and all were able to be chosen from. While Voki was nice, it was a rather limited avatar creator, and did much taunting to the creator with over half of the options needing to be bought. As well as that, Face Your Manga felt much more user friendly and more simplistic.

  34. Out of the two Avatar sites that we used in class I personally enjoyed the second one (Face your Magna) more because I think it gave me more choices to personalize my avatar to be more like me. I liked the way the avatars looked in face your magna better then Voki in more of a graphics way. I also liked the website better then Voki I thought it was easier and quicker to get to things on it.

  35. I would favor Voki because you can record a voice which brought avatar's to a whole new level, also the avatar interacts with the mouse, and the characters look more realistic

  36. I preferred face your manga because there is more of a variety of things. You don’t have to pay for certain ones. Also it’s less confusing.

  37. I prefer the second site. It gave you more options to choose from and more features to change. You don’t have to add a voice to the second site. Also, there were more features to choose from, not just a page.

  38. I preferred the my voki site. I preferred Voki because it was more realistic, better variety of options, and easier to use and publish.

  39. I personally prefer the Manga site over the voki. I like the Manga site better because it gave me more options like makeup, clothing, hair etc. I also liked this site more because of more options my avatar looked even more like me. Lastly, this site was better because these avatars didn’t talk.

  40. Preferred Face Your Manga because there was no limits and you didn’t have to pay for anything to get special features.

  41. The site that I prefer was Face Your Manga. I enjoyed use these site, because I had a lot more freedom and chose. For instance you could choose the shape of the face, the clothing and just make your avatar look more like yourself.

  42. I prefer Face Your Magna because this site had a lot more choices. Voki had only a few avatar designs which made it hard to get one to look like you. Face Your Magna doesn’t charge you for some of the really cool designs, but Voki does. Plus, Face Your Magna doesn’t have so many complications. There isn’t a certain step to get you avatar to speak it is just design your avatar and then you’re done. Simple and easy.

  43. I preferred face your manga because you could make your person look like anybody like there were more choices then the other site. And this site look more like cartoons, the other site looked to real for made up people. In face your manga when you make the person it was just a picture and you could make multiple of them in the other site the person was actually moving and you could make it talk.

  44. I’d more lean towards voki rather than manga because it lets your avatar have a voice. Another thing is I could be not only human, but animals, monsters, and more.

  45. I preferred Face Your Manga over My Voki. First, it had a lot more features so the avatar would look more like you. Also, you could use any feature without the exclusions of having to pay for certain faces. Finally, it was easier to use because all you had to do was click around and pick the exact feature you wanted, while Voki had you pick a certain face and you could only have so many options.

  46. I really don’t know a lot about blogging to be honest. I know it’s where people can post tings about their lives and other people can comment on your post. I’ve never used or hosted a blog before in my life, but if I were to use it personally, I would use it to post things about my life and my day.
    I preferred the Face Your Manga website better than the Voki site. I liked the second site more because there were more options to choose from and I liked how you could actually make your avatar look like yourself. Face Your Manga was also a little bit easier to use than Voki and it was completely free, as Voki was not.

  47. I prefer Face Your Manga more than Voki because I thought that Face Your Manga was easier to make yourself look more look like you and there was more choices to choose from. On Voki I didn't like the voice thing; it was weird that you could hear that person’s actual voice. Finally I didn't like how you had to pay to create someone to look like you, where on Face Your Manga was free.

  48. I preferred Face Your Manga over My Voki because there more options while creating my avatar. I could choose from any of the features, but in Voki the features were limited to non-paying members. I liked the fact that Face Your Manga’s avatar selection was more “cartoony” because it would make it much harder for a person to identify the real you. I also thought that Face Your Manga made it much easier to create an avatar than My Voki.

  49. I HATE VOKI! Its was confusing, it never wanted to work, the customization completely sucked. It was terrible I just wanted to punch the monitor. But on the other hand Manga was so much better. It had so much more customization, it was easy to use, and i could actually make it look like myself.

  50. I preferred the site face your manga. I liked this site for many reasons one is you could make your avatar look more like you. You could also make them hold objects such as a soccer ball. Also there were many more outfits to choose from for your avatar.

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  52. I like Face Your Manga a lot better than voki.I could actually make it look a lot more like me, and I can hold stuff like a guitar,soccer ball, it had more options to it for hair, cloths, and even earrings!You can't do half that stuff in voki!!!!!!!!!Although it's kind of cool that you can make your avatar say what ever you wanted on voki...but I still say Face Your Manga is waaaaaaaayyyyyyy better.

  53. I prefer voki because you can a make your person talk. The second one was fun but first one was better because it talked.
