Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Intro to Blogging

Welcome to your class Blog!

We will be using our blog for teacher-to-student communication as well as student-to-student communication. Our main purpose will be for you to learn about blogs and what they are used for. We will also use them to post assignments, do journal entries or simply have class discussions.  The nice thing about blogging - like so many other Web tools - is that you may respond to the blog from class, home, the library or any other place that you might have access to the Internet.

Before we begin, there are ground rules that must be set and followed. Note that if these ground rules are not followed you may receive a zero on the assignment(s). Please follow the rules!

All posts must use school appropriate language. When you post, you must write in complete sentences using proper grammar and spelling. Do not use: u, r, ur, b4, cuz, etc.

When commenting on another student’s post, keep your comments non-personal. You can agree or disagree with a comment but refrain from sarcasm, judgment, and/or put-downs. You must state how you feel and why. You must comment on every article, topic, or question from me - it is an assignment - and your response should thoughtfully address each topic and question posted on the blog. You cannot simply write “I agree.”

Your first assignment will be to comment on the class blog by responding to the following questions:

1. How much do you know about blogging?
2. Have you ever used or hosted a blog?
3. What might you use a blog for personally?


Yesterday, you created an avatar using My Voki.  Today, you created another avatar using Face Your Manga.  Please comment on this post and respond to the following questions:

  • Which site did you prefer? 
  • Why did you prefer this site over the other?  Please give at least three examples that support your preference.